Everything old is new again.......I'm blogging! (Sun, 26 Jun 2022 17:23:00 +0000)

I hope you have been enjoying the Fall on the Farm series.  

Number 7 was just release with only 2 more to go!

There have been issues updating my web site for a while now with no end in sight to the fix.  So I want to just post the photos of the most recent releases here in case you haven't seen them.  

Pumpkin Patch (released in June)

With a Moo Moo Here (released in May)

I'm thinking this is a good time to answer some questions I have been receiving.  No, I did not create a border for this design.  It's extremely"busy"and my opinion is that borders can sometime take the focus away from the details in the smaller designs.  I have designed borders in the past but I look at the design as a whole and make a decision.

Next is another no.  I do not have another series planned for spring and summer farms at this time.  I can't seem to come up with original ideas for another 8 blocks (the middle has been a quilt block so that's easy.)  Designing can be tough when forced so that's not the direction I'll go at this time.

And the third no.....there isn't another series coming like the last ones.  HOWEVER, there is a new series in the works that stand alone each month.  That will have to be the tease for the moment.  

I will be releasing the annual Hometown Holiday design the end of July.  Look for The Music Store in shops toward the last week of the month.

Nice chatting with you all.......hope this helps those of you looking for answers and photos!


Tis the Season (Wed, 05 Dec 2018 20:56:00 +0000)

I'm not sure if I'm entering the blogging world full time yet but here I am again making another post.
For the first time ever (I think), I decorated the tree by myself.  I've had elves (grandchildren) help in years past but they are getting older and would rather do other things.  It gave me an opportunity to handle each memory as I put it on the tree.....making me feel a little sad and melancholy.  

This ornament was on my tree as a child.  I love little houses (of course I do).

 But the ornaments that I wanted to share were not purchased but made.
My mom's mom, Amanda, created ornaments from eggs....mostly goose eggs.

This egg was cut open so that a display could be featured on the inside. Only goose eggs could handle the great amount of cutting that went on here.  The egg itself is very firm.

The eggs above and below are chicken eggs.

Grandma took old greeting cards and somehow removed the images to place on the egg, then decoupaged the entire thing.  Then she glued ribbons and beads and sometimes her old jewelry to the eggs to add the finishing touch. The images are very 1970's but aren't they sweet?

We all have a few of grandma's eggs on our trees....something to remind us of her and the labor of love she put into these creations.

Happy Stitching,

Jack Frost's Tree Farm (Sat, 01 Dec 2018 17:37:00 +0000)

It's December 1st ....not many days ahead and so much to do until Christmas!  I know many of you feel like that.  I don't"blog"like I used to but I thought now was a good time to create a post for a number of reasons.

First, thank you all for sharing your inspired finishes throughout the year in the LHN/CCN stitching group on FB and Instagram.  The Hometown Holiday finishes never cease to amaze me.  So much fun!!!  Many of you have finished Farmhouse Christmas differently too....again...very inspirational and wonderful to see.

So you may have seen the new series that will come out in early February.  We are busy printing the first chart in the series.  I am determined to be more prepared this year than I was when Farmhouse Christmas released!!  Let's hope!!

Jack Frost is a kindly old man who runs a little business where folks like us can shop for their favorite tree, have a cup of cocoa and a cookie (baked by Mrs. Frost).  There are seven designs in all with the first being the wide design at the top.  You can see Jack waving from his little house, welcoming one and all to the farm.

Below the large design sit six more that will sit in two rows if stitching them on one piece of fabric.

For the first time since creating series many years ago, I will be showing a likeness of the designs once the first one releases so you can get a better idea of all of the charts along with placement.

The supply list is slowly making it's way to the LHN web site.  If you want trims, they are listed there along with the fabric used.  Threads will show up in a few weeks.

I have one more big holiday design planned for 2019 and then I'm not sure which direction I'll take but maybe something different (unless I hear otherwise!)

Our sweet girl, Gracie just celebrated her 9th birthday!  Her frosty face says she is getting up there but she still has a lot of spunk.  Unfortunately she has had a real tough time with Valley Fever and now Cushings Disease but we are taking really good care of her!!


As always, I appreciate your comments and the time you take to spend with me.
Happy Stitching,

Punch Needle Finishing (Sun, 20 May 2018 14:49:00 +0000)

Punch needle designs are rarely finished the same as cross stitch and it can be a challenge.  I have finished one of my new designs in such a way that it doesn't need a mount unless desired.

Let's get started.

First thing you need to do is trim away the excess cloth to within 1"of the punching.  Face down, I apply a tacky glue to the excess portion on the inside and press it to the actual punching.  Stretch it so that the edges roll a bit.  This way the cloth has less of a chance of showing on the side.

Not it's time to cut the mat board to size.  Use the measurements of the piece you just glued to cut the board.  They should match up really well.  If not, cut another piece and try again.

Apply the glue to the mat board and press both of pieces together.  Allow to dry.

For the next step I purchased 5/16"jute braid from Michael's.  You get 3 yards on the spool.  Starting in the corner I started gluing and pressing the braid to the unfinished edge, covering the mat board and the side of the punch needle.

This is what it looks like on the back once you are finished.

This is the point where you decide if you are mounting it to something else like a board or a frame.  I finished mine with a cut piece of wool and keep it on display as you see it here!

Simple and easy!

Country Pumpkins

Newest Punch Needle Designs from Little House

Bee Garden

Down on the Farm

Happy Punching!

Blogging....... (Sun, 23 Jul 2017 14:49:00 +0000Sun, 25 Sep 2016 18:38:00 +0000)

Casa Cenina, an Italian needlework shop, has launched their earthquake fund raising web site.

 LHN and other designers participated in donating patterns and proceeds from the sale of the designs. Quote:"It will give a practical support to those who - almost one year ago - were struck by the earthquake in central Italy, seeing their everyday life destroyed, together with a whole lot of ages of history and monuments that were everybody's heritage, not only belonging to our fellow country people, who were so terribly struck."

 Here is the link if you wish to purchase any of the patterns:

My last post was in April. :( I'm not sure if this blog will live on or not.

For now you can find Little House on Facebook 
and in a stitch group with my daughter, Nikki. 

I also have an Instagram account.

And of course the actual LHN web site is updated once a month with new patterns.

I hope to see you in one of those spots!


April Releases and more........ (Sat, 16 Apr 2016 18:36:00 +0000)

I know there are still people who check my blog even though we just topped 10,000 likes on Facebook. That number is staggering! I guess that means I've been doing this for a while!! 

We just shipped two designs to the distributors. First is the newest Hometown Holiday, the Schoolhouse. This one reminds me of my own childhood while living in the Midwest. I really wanted to put a boy in the design with his tongue stuck to a flag pole but I decided against it. :) 

Doesn't the plaid fabric make a perfect match? Vonna does such a great job on these flat finishes. They work really well in an easel or hung from a knob.

The second one is inspired first by the former president, Franklin Roosevelt and second by Norman Rockwell. It's titled"Four Freedoms"and taken from the State of the Union address in 1941. Norman Rockwell created awesome paintings of the Four Freedoms.

So the last little something I have to share with you is a free chart. I made it for myself then decided to share it for free with anyone who would like to stitch it. Sometimes life isn't easy and I go looking for Scripture verses or inspirational quotes. This one pops up all of the time over the internet and reminds me of who I am and provides a source of strength when life seems to be teetering on the edge.

I'm offering it as a blessing to anyone who wishes to receive it.

Happy Stitching,

February, etc........... (Sat, 27 Feb 2016 16:12:00 +0000)

Living in Arizona, we have seen some really gorgeous weather recently. It's very inspiring. After being in the needlework industry for so many years and releasing hundreds of designs, I sometimes wonder if I'll run out of ideas. 

Then along comes beautiful weather and there is inspiration everywhere!

We recently released two new designs.

The first is Red Rooster Inn.
I love the"Inns"that we have done over the years.

Red Rooster Inn
This one is a throwback to years ago....
It's called"The Inn at Fox River Mill"and stands as my all-time favorite Inn.

The Inn at Fox River Mill
Moving on.....our second release is called"Homestead Sampler." 
 I love the combination of lettering and design.

Homestead Sampler
My initials are on the chart but I would suggest you replace them with your own. The design represents the women who went before us, settling The West and Midwest territories. The beautiful frame is from Valley House Primitives and is called The Bisbee. I've used it before and I love it. The character makes something new look a little older.

There WILL BE a Hoffman exclusive release at the Nashville 2016 Market. A photo will come later. There will also be a free chart featuring three new threads from Classic Colorworks with the purchase of those threads. 

Lot's of fun ahead! Be sure to tell your local shop to be on the look-out for you!

So many have asked what the future holds for Little House and a series. I have been waiting to get beyond the one year mark on my BC surgery to commit but now that I've designed it, I'm letting the cat out of the bag. Yes, there will be a new series and it will start in June or July of this year assuming all goes well on my one year scan. I'm excited!

Happy Stitching!

2016 .....a new year (Sat, 16 Jan 2016 21:43:00 +0000)

Happy New Year to all of you. It's never too late, is it?

All is well at the Williams house....
Ron and I are doing well and looking forward to a healthy year ahead.

We released some patterns in December that can be seen on our web site. 

There are two new ones that will be at our distributors soon.
First,Sing to the LORD. It is the second release in our"These Are My Sheep."line of designs.

I love sheep.

Probably why I design so many of them.

The second design uses a fun deep pink fabric called Red Pear from Weeks Dye Works. 
The design isLoving You and if you would like, you could switch the fabric out easily. 
This design and one from December revive the"All Dolled Up"line of designs that use optional buttons and beads. It's your choice should you wish to use them.

Vonna has this finished into a sweet pillow. 
Our release last month,Snowy Winteruses the same finish.
The twine tacked at the corners hangs beautifully from a peg or handle.

There are a few of you that have followed Gracie for her entire life.......here she is this Christmas......picture perfect for momma so I could get this shot.

Thanks for visiting,

Thanksgiving week...... (Sun, 22 Nov 2015 20:31:00 +0000)

In a world filled with so much uncertainty and turmoil, 
it's good to take time to remind ourselves of the blessings 
in our lives and all we do have to be thankful for. 

At the top of my list is that my cancer was caught early
and that I have a
chance of never going down this road again.

I am thankful for my wonderful family, the roof over my head 
and the food on my table. Simple. True. Timeless.

* * *

We ended the Sampler Tree Ornament series with this design,
Christmas Angel

For now, there are no 12-month series in the works. 
 I am taking a break from the pressure of them for now. 
I hope that 2016 will give me more peace than I had in 2015 
which would include a little time to just"be."

I did however start a new line within the company called"These Are My Sheep." 
The first, Born in a Manger, gives you a good idea of the style 
and theme of the line.....biblical sheep!

The third design we released is called"Three Snowy"Hills."
It's a classic LHN design featuring houses.....my favorite!

Next month we will have a new Hometown Holiday design and a
 return to our pattern line, All Dolled Up! with a cute wintry piece.

Gracie and her brother Luke just celebrated their sixth birthday! 

I count you all among my blessings!
